Reiki Classes
Reiki Level I
2 days (8 hours total)
In this two-day, interactive immersion with like-minded souls, you will learn how to open energy channels on a physical level, allowing you to connect to the universal life force energy and share it with others. This course shows you how to bring energy from the cosmos through the crown of the head and down to the heart and hands. You will learn appropriate placements for connecting energy to the chakras, organs, and assisting specific areas of the body to move stagnant or dormant energy.
If you are called to the Healing Arts or a Practitioner interested in expanding your healing skills and transformational impact, this training is for you. This immersion provides the necessary energy healing fundamentals to up-level your current offerings. This is an initiation into Reiki and is open to all.
The course includes:
Learn the origin of the Reiki tradition
Explore hand placements and chakra functions
On-going group practice and discussion
Clinical practice
Access to teacher support both in and out of class
2 attunements (initiations)
Manual for each student
The Essential Reiki book
Reiki level I certification upon completion of the course

2 days (6 hours total)
Reiki Level II
Reiki Level 2 training continues our learning tradition of lecture, discussions, self-treatment and clinical practice with classmates and the community. Here, we explore the traditional Reiki symbols and integrate them into our hands-on practice, drawing from their esoteric, traditional as well as intuitive meanings. We learn to practice distance Reiki treatment, and we learn to extend our practice out into the world in creative and wonderful new ways. This class helps us deepen our personal growth with our Reiki practice, and builds on clinical practice skills, specifically exploring self-practice and distance healing practice.
The course includes:
Learn the origin of the Reiki tradition
Explore hand placements and chakra functions
On-going group practice and discussion
Clinical practice
Access to teacher support both in and out of class
2 attunements (initiations)
Manual for each student
The Essential Reiki book
Reiki level I certification upon completion of the course